The treatment of each patient is individually tailored to their particular needs and will depend on their complaint, condition, what is safe and what the patient feels comfortable with.
I have a particular interest in peoples postural and movement habits and how they contribute to their problems and I have actively developed my practice in this area. As far as I am aware I am the first person in the UK to hold a BSc (Hons) Ost. and be a Certified Structural Integrator.
What to expect
First Visit
Appointments generally last approximately 45 minutes. This will involve taking a detailed case history, which will include any previous medical history such as any serious illnesses, accidents, broken bones, or operations which you have had since birth up to the present day. Any of these may have a bearing on your current problem. It also affords the time to explain to you what I believe is wrong, and to help to make you aware of the prognosis and help you feel in control of your recovery.
This will be followed by an examination which may well involve parts of the body a long way away from the presenting symptoms for example a leg length difference may contribute to headaches or neck pain. It is important that your modesty and dignity are respected so please bring clothing you are comfortable to be examined in and let me know if you feel uncomfortable with any part of the process. You are welcome to bring a friend or partner to accompany you. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a legal guardian.
A treatment plan will be made if treatment is indicated which will also incorporate advice on movement, posture and exercise in order to speed up rehabilitation. If it is felt that Massage Therapy is either inappropriate or should not be the only form of treatment alternatives will be discussed with you.
Subsequent visits
These also last around 45 minutes. They start by discussing how your symptoms have improved/ changed, you will then be re-examined, the treatment plan will be re-assessed in the light of these finding and treatment (as appropriate) given. It is common during the course of the process to discover additional factors contributing to the presenting problem which can then be addressed.
If the progression of your symptoms is not as expected your management plan will be reconsidered and amended.
I regularly employ the following techniques in treating patients:
Soft tissue massage,joint articulation, fascial release, joint manipulation, muscle energy (PNF), functional technique, specific advice, exercises.
The treatment of each patient is individually tailored to their particular needs and will depend on their complaint, condition, what is safe and what the patient feels comfortable with.
I have treated patients for a wide variety of ailments including:
- Arthritic pain
- Muscle spasms
- Inability to relax
- Certain types of back, neck, shoulder and elbow pain
- Joint pains
- Cramp
- Fibromyalgia
- Minor sports injuries and tensions
- Generalised aches and pains
- Certain forms of headache
- Circulatory problems
- Migraine prevention
- Neuralgia
- Lumbago
- Posture & alignment Sciatica

How Can I Help
Clinic Address
Maria’s Lane
TR19 7BX
07795 327342