Keeping current with UK law the following notice aims to inform you of why we need to collect your personal data and what is done with this information.
- What information is being collected at the time of consultation or registration?
Patients name, address, contact details, and other relevant details are taken at the time of registration or consultation. These other relevant details may include: your date of birth and gender, your occupational status and job description, information about your family life, your interests and activities, the name and address of your GP, health related information required for the delivery of health care services, your health history (e.g. details of any A&E visits, in-patient visits or other clinic appointments), results of any scans, X-rays and pathology tests, details of any diagnosis and treatment given, payment details, any other information that is deemed relevant to provide you with appropriate care.
- Who is collecting it?
Nicholas Cowx osteopath, c/o The Penwith Centre, Parade Street, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 4BU
- How is it collected?
Verbally at the premises or over the telephone. By email, sms or fax.
- Why is it being collected?
To ensure we are able to perform our roles to the best of our ability, are able to contact patients with regard to the individual’s healthcare and are able to take payment for our services to our patients.
- How will it be used?
It will be used in a communication capacity with occasional marketing / promotional/news capacity from Nicholas Cowx regarding your healthcare.
- Who will it be shared with?
In order to provide the highest standard of service we may need to share your details with your GP or other healthcare practitioners as appropriate. We will only give information to your relatives, friends or carers if you want us to and you have given your explicit permission. Nicholas Cowx Osteopath will only collect the information needed so that we can provide you with the services you require, the business does not sell or broker your data.
- What will be the effect of this on the individuals concerned?
There will be no change or impact on patients with regards to data collection or use. We will continue to act professionally at all times with regards data collection and storage.
- How is data on patients stored?
Patient information is stored electronically on a password protected database or on paper in a securely locked environment.
- Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain?
We do not envisage any complaints or objections as we will be conducting our business in a professional manner as we always have done. - What is Nicholas Cowx Osteopath’s data retention policy?
Different records shall be retained for different periods of time as described below.
Adults (18 years +): All records shall be retained for a minimum of eight years after your last consultation.
Children & Young People : All records shall be retained until your 25th birthday.
When your information is no longer required, we will always dispose of it securely.
- How do we respond to requests for data and data deletion?
Where there is a request for personal data to be disclosed by a client for their own purposes it will be disclosed within 1 month of the date of the request. Should a client wish for any data held on them to be deleted this shall be done within a month and a letter of confirmation issued. Data will not be deleted upon request if it should be required to be held for any legal business reason in which case refusal to deletion is permitted.
- Arthritic pain
- Muscle spasms
- Inability to relax
- Certain types of back, neck, shoulder and elbow pain
- Joint pains
- Cramp
- Fibromyalgia
- Posture & alignment Sciatica
- Minor sports injuries and tensions
- Generalised aches and pains
- Certain forms of headache
- Circulatory problems
- Migraine prevention
- Neuralgia
- Lumbago

How Can I Help
Clinic Address
Maria’s Lane
TR19 7BX
07795 327342